
Choose Template:

Ignore Zoom
Line styles
Size only

Use error bars:


Master Trace:



Create a CSV or XLSX file formatted with data. Here is an example format:
a b c
1 0 1
2 5 7
3 10 12
Click the "Choose File" button at the top and select your file. The data should plot. The plot is interactive so hover over the axes to change their range/domain. The controls on the right of the plot can be used to zoom, autosccale or save the plot.

Figure Sizes:

Typically images are rendered at 96 pixels per inch. So a 100x100 px image will be in actual size 1.042 x 1.042 in 26.458 x 26.458 mm.
A typical small figure size is 3.35 in (8.5 cm, 321px) wide.
A typical large figure size is 6.7 in (17 cm, 642 px) wide.

Equations and Special Characters:

Special characters and mathematial equations can be written with Latex formatting. Just surround the text with dollar signs for the text to be treated as Latex.
Alternatively, Using HTML markdown style is suitable for simple subscript and superscripts. The benefit to this, is that it will retain the your font.
As an example, subscripts are achieved with x<sub>2</sub> which will result in x2, but will render as $x_2$ in Latex. Superscripts are as follows: x<sup>2</sup> and will result in x2 which is the equivalent to $x^2$ in Latex.